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How to show the blocks of an area in a random order

This How-To will explain you how to show the blocks of an area in a random order.

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Concrete 5.5 Editor/Client Tutorials for absolute beginners

A series of videos on how to use Concrete 5.5 for the absolute beginner. Good for giving clients at the end of a web project.


concrete5 for Drupal Designers and Developers: Page Building Features Compared

Looking for Panels or CCK? Trying to override a template? Let's put your Drupal experience to work in concrete5.


How To Turn Off Sales Tax By User Group in eCommerce

By adding a user group check in the eCommerce an override of models/sales/tax/rate.php, you can exempt users in a certain group from sales tax.


Make your layouts responsive with native c5 layout tool.

Quick tip on how to force your layouts created with layout tool to become responsive.


MySQL database case insensitivity

Installed concrete5 on Windows and now moving to Linux? Well, you might experience some problems on the road...


Restore a login page from the trash

Did you delete your login page and now find yourself unable to log in? Here's how to fix it.

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How to Add a Favicon or Apple iPhone Thumbnail in Concrete5.5

A simple tutotial on how to add a Favicon and a Apple iPhone Thumbnail in Concrete5.5 using the Concrete5 CMS interface.

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How to change the Rich-Text-Editor Interface

This is a short tutorial on how to change the Rich-Text-Editor Interface.

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Use the Config table for configuration data

Concrete5 provides a Config table in the database that can save you having to create a further data tables if there are only a few package wide settings.


Transfer a project to a new owner

If you want to transfer your project page to a new owner, here's how.


Page stuck in edit mode?

If your page is kinda half in edit mode, here's a handy trick to get it out.


Get marketplace submissions through the PRB

Some submissions take longer to get through the PRB than others. Learn why and take measures to speed up the approval of your own submission.


Create a News system using Composer

Even though there are a number of News addons in the marketplace, we can easily recreate the same functionality by using Composer. This guide will explain in detail the necessary steps to create a fully working News system.


Translating Site Specific Texts

As you already know, you can pretty easily translate the concrete5 interface in different languages. What you might have not known is that you can apply pretty easily the same translation methods for your site-specific texts or blocks.


How to hide tracking code for editable users (post 5.5.x)

For the site admin who don't want to track the users who have the permission to modify the concrete5 site. (support later than concrete5.5.0)


Responsive Images – Web Design with Device Optimized Images

Responsive web design continues to sweep across the web industry for good reason. However, there are still challenges that exist, which in part help to shape standards (i.e. changes to the CSS Box Model due to border placement) as well as adapt design and


Email 'from' field populated using the senders email address

This change to the Concrete 5 form controller.php allows received emails to display the senders email address, not the C5 admin address or your own address.


Absolute Basic Web Stuff

Things a beginner may find useful before getting their hands dirty with Concrete5. Terminology, resources on the web and in books.


Getting Help on Forums

Helping others to help you when you ask questions on the forums. Forums. Screenshots. Developer console.


Add ability in contact form to reply to the submitter

Make the "email" field in a contact form work as the "from" or "reply to" address when submissions get to your inbox.


How to fix a broken uploader on a new installation

Basically, you get this message, even when trying to upload tiny files: "An unknown error occurred while uploading the file. Please check that file uploads are enabled, and that your file does not exceed the size of the post_max_size or upload_max_filesi


Hide the subdirectory URL

Here is one fairly easy way to install C5 in a subdirectory and have it appear to be in the root when accessed from a browser. This can be useful when you have other frameworks installed on your server and you want to keep the files separate.

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Override Site Search Block to Search Through eCommerce Product Titles Only and Return Only Products

If you want your search to only apply to eCommerce products, this is the how-to for you.


Use IRC to connect with developers, editors and designers from everywhere

You might have seen the link to chat here in the community, but if you never have used IRC before you might not know how to connect to chat. This How-To will show you how you very easily can join chat without any installation.


concrete5 5.5 Content Import Format, Sample Content & Starting Points

It's easy to build out the sample that's available in concrete5.5.


External Oracle database connection

From start to finish how to connect Concrete5.5.1 runnin on Ubuntu 11.10 to an existing Oracle database with ADOdb Oracle Instant Client (OCI8).


Generate a .mo file with .po file from mygengo with poEdit

The customized language versions of concrete5 from worldwide community groups are sometimes outdated. To use the latest translations from concrete5's MyGengo-archive you have to generate a .mo file out of the .po file. Poedit makes it easy to achieve this

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Install concrete5 from the Command Line

Anyone want to install concrete5 from the command line? 5.5 and our command line installer will let you do just that.


concrete5 Add-On Developers: Create Your Own Demo (5.5.0 and Up)

This is a how-to geared especially toward our add-on developers, but it'll be useful to anyone who wants to create a cycling concrete5 demo that automatically resets.


Installing Concrete5 on a MAMP local server

In the following how-to we will show you how to download and set up the popular local web server MAMP (Macintosh, Apache, MySql, and PHP), we will then show you how to download and install the latest version of Concrete5 for use in your new local MAMP dri


How to add a vanilla forum to your c5 site.

This short tutorial will add a vanilla forum to your c5 site.


Setting Up and Using Concrete5's Composer Feature

A tutorial on setting up the Dashboard > Composer Feature of Concrete 5.4.x and higher.


concrete5 5.5 Stacks vs. Scrapbooks

In concrete5 version 5.3.0, we introduced a centralized content repositories called scrapbooks. Here you could add Blocks in one spot, and then paste them throughout your site. Now, with version 5.5.0 we've improved on them in every way. Introducing – Sta


How to display images with RSS displayer

Learn how to show images from the content of a feed, if no media:image is available.


5.5 User Interface and Twitter Bootstrap

Version 5.5 of concrete5 is a great leap forward for our interface. Twitter's new UI toolkit, Bootstrap, is a big part of it. Learn about Bootstrap, how concrete5 uses it, and how you can include it in your blocks, dashboard pages and add-ons.


Update Very Old Sites

Even very out of date sites can be upgraded to the latest version of concrete5. For most sites, the process should be entirely painless.


10 Useful Tools You Probably Didn't Know Existed

Introduction to 10 useful tools and resources to help you improve and enhance your site.


concrete5 5.5 White Labelling Support

Version 5.5 of concrete5 introduces a lot of new ways to white label concrete5, and control everything from marketplace integration, custom sample content, global layout and design options, and even the dashboard background image.


Native Multi-Site Support

There has been a lot of discussion of running concrete5 centralized for multi-site purposes. This guide provides a way to do this without any symlinking e.g. for Windows environments.


How concrete5 Events work

In this how-to it Mnkras shows how to make your own events, and how to use existing events.


Concrete5 and Godaddy shared linux hosting plan - Complete solution

This are all the steps I took to have a Concrete5 website work on a Godaddy shared linux hosting plan. I'm writing this How-to because I couldn't find one complete tutorial about it anywhere.

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Configure additional cache settings via Zend Cache options

The concrete5 cache is a wrapper for Zend Cache and can therefore take any of the options Zend Cache can take. Use this to your advantage in customizing your cache configuration.

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Customize a core theme

Learn the best way to approach modifying or customizing Plain Yogurt, Dark Chocolate, or Green Salad.


Handle Sessions From The DB

High-powered sites sometimes need to handle sessions from the database. Concrete5 user jbx figured out how. We put this how-to up to make it easy to find.


Make ALL Your YouTube & Other Embedded Videos Auto-Fit

Want to quickly make all your embedded videos auto-fit themselves to a specific area on your page?

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Download and manually install an add-on

Follow these steps to release an add-on from a project, download a copy of it, and install it on your site.


Set the Time Zone of your Concrete5 Installation

Is your hosting provider in a land far, far away? Set your Concrete5 installation to use your local time zone.


Fix character encoding in your database

If you're having trouble displaying a specific language or special characters on your concrete5 site, you may need to change settings in your database to ensure proper encoding.

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Change Things Without Hurting Anything : Overrides

Concrete5 lets you change just about anything in the core or in a package, generally without breaking your upgrade path.


Speed Up Databse Queries with the ADOdb Compiled PHP Extension

User mkly describes how to compile, install and configure the ADOdb PHP extension written in C on a LAMP(Linux) based VPS or dedicated server environment.


Backup a database

Backup a database from within Concrete5 or using phpMyAdmin

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Show messages from JavaScript as C5 error messages.

Concrete5 shows a list of formatted error messages at the top of a single page or in a box at the top of a dashboard page. Extend this with messages from JavaScript or Ajax.

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Change the format of your site's page titles

Want a format other than My Site :: My Page Title? Here's how to do it.


Sort an HTML table using jQuery

Use jQuery to sort the rows of an html table according to one or more values in each row.

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Sort a list with drag and drop.

Use jQuery.UI to make a list sortable by drag and drop.


Making a theme from start to finish

Learn what type of html templates to choose, how to convert themes, and the building tricks


Create a form with a dynamic list of input elements

Combine Concrete5, HTML text input elements, php array handling and jQuery to handle a form with a variable number of input elements.


Validate form inputs in the browser

Use HTML5 and/or jQuery to vaildate form inputs in the browser.

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How To Add a Custom @Font-Face to Your Theme

Learn how to quickly add a custom @Font-Face to any installed theme!


Add a slider control to an edit menu or form

For some types of numeric input, a slider control can be both ergonomic for the user and convenient for the developer.


Creating a single page to handle both Login & Registration

If your project needs to combine login and registration functionality on one page, here's a simple approach.


Use tabs in an edit form or dialog

A tabbed interface is a great way to break a sprawling form into more manageable chunks. Concrete5 already includes css styles that do most of the work, so using tabs simply involves adding the markup and a little bit of jQuery.


Theming System Single Pages like Login, Register, etc

Find out how to make your login, register, etc pages match your site's theme


Upgrade - Add another block type or single page to an installed package

As a package developer, if you add a block type or single page to a package, you can use upgrade() to install them without any need to uninstall the package first.


Add a second email field to user registration form

Users can mess up the registration process by making a typographical error in their email address when completing a registration form. Require them to add a second copy of their email address as a guard against such mistakes.

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Special Offers in the Marketplace

Make a special offer for deal of the day or a sale.


Facebook's opengraph and concrete 5

With a few changes to your header file you can make sharing your web pages a whole lot better on your concrete 5 website.


Log user search terms

What are people searching for on your site? Find out how to take everything submitted to the search block and log it in your Dashboard.


Pulling In Sub-pages from Multiple Paths

Instead of having only one parent page for a Page List, with a little template tweak, you can use multiple parent pages.

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Remove Site Name from your web page header

Do you want to remove your "Site Name" from your sites header?


AJAX Lessons

Practical lesson examples opening AJAX dialogs and exchanging AJAX data from a block, in Add, Edit and View.


Modifying the default Paging display in Concrete5

I was stuck in the modification of the design of the default pagination on a page today. The only solution I found was to copy the "view.php" file from the "concrete/blocks/page_list" folder to the "blocks/page_list/templates" folder in the root directory

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How to parse the requested path

This how-to shows how you can easily parse the requested path.


How to programmatically add comments to a guestbook block

This how-to shows how to programmatically add comments to a guestbook block.

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[French] Faire du multisite avec Concrete5

A french how-to to build a multisite platform based on Concrete5.

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Can't Connect to the Community

If you're having trouble connecting to the concrete5 community, here are some solutions to try.


Concrete 5 Tutorial Vidoes

A set of videos to show the complete beginner the basics of Concrete 5 and some of the available add-ons.


Assign a license to a project

Learn how to take the licenses you've purchased and assign them to your project


Get Email Notifications of Site Changes

How to be automatically notified via email every time someone edits your website.


Project Ownership

How to move a project from one account to another.


How to add the Google +1 button to a site

With the launch of the invite only Google+, the plus one button looks about to get a lot of traction (at least over the next few weeks). Adding the plus one button is pretty easy to do with just a couple of steps.


How to move a site from 1 directory on a server to a new directory on the server.

How to move a site from 1 directory on a server to a new directory on the server.


How to include a tracking code for non-admins only

Include a tracking code, like Google Analytics' into your pages, but only for not logged in users or optionally restricting to some user groups.

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Disable the cart overlay in eCommerce 2.0

Learn how to direct users to the Shopping Cart page instead of displaying cart items in an overlay.


Dynamically concatenate, minify, gzip, and server side cache multiple LESS and CSS files in your theme.

This short tutorial will tell you how to use my styles.php script to help ease your css development, and speed up your loading times. :-)


Using CloudFlare

CloudFlare is new CDN service. This is simple solution how you can implement concrete5 and CloudFlare.


Install Concrete5 "invisible" over an existing website

How to install Concrete5 over an existing page with static .html content. Only new content will be handled by C5 and also the ../Concrete5/... dir will be invisible.


Speed up Concrete5 with Minify and BootstrapCache

Dramatically speed up page loads using two free packages: Minify and BootstrapCache. Make your site pages load like they're static pages with compressed CSS and Javascript.


Running many concrete5 sites

What are the best practices for managing many concrete5 sites at once?


Transfer an add-on to a new project

Learn how to release an add-on or theme from an old project, re-assign it to a different project, and deactivate an old project page.


How to uninstall add-ons

Instructions on how to remove an add-on (including how to remove it from the install list).


Controlling the use of Google Web Fonts through Page Attributes

Add Google Web Fonts to a page using a Page Attribute to control what fonts are downloaded.


Connecting to an external database other than MySQL

Steps to hack concrete5 to use connect to an external database other than MySQL, in this case MSSQL.


Using pretty URLs with hosting on Heart Internet

How to set up pretty URLs on a Heart Internet hosted c5 install.


Use Google Web Fonts on your web site

Add Google Web Fonts in a couple of simple steps to allow you to use high quality fonts on your web site without being restrained by the fonts that are only installed on the user's PC, Mac or other device.


Reinstall A Lost Core Block Type

It is possible to remove a core block type. It is easy enough to get it back, though.


Add licenses from multiple user accounts to a single project

It's a snap when you use your project's Management Team roster.


Fix block edit error on upgrade from to 5.4.0

If you've recently upgraded your site from to 5.4.0 and now receive an error when attempting to edit blocks, try this solution.


Using a custom callback with the Page Selector

How to use a custom javascript callback with the Page Selector


Security and concrete5

How secure is concrete5? Do I need to worry about vulnerabilities?


How to Install PageTypes with Custom Attributes assigned By default from a package

In this tutorial I will demonstrate how you can install custom attributes from a package and assign them to a pagetype making them available as default for that page type, like you find it in the home page!


Automatic Email Obfuscation

Automatically obfuscate emails posted in the content block.


Creating an accordion page

How to create an accordion of editable areas on a page using the built-in jQuery ui. Allows end users to add panes to the accordion from a multi-select page attribute.


Enable Pretty URLs in Windows IIS

Learn how to remove "index.php" from your URLs when using IIS as your server platform.


Manually set up the basic blog (if you didn't include "sample content" when installing your site)

Steps you need to take to get the basic blog functionality set up like it is when you check "Install Sample Content" during the installation process.


A Mobile Approach in Concrete5

A candidate approach for creating a mobile site with Concrete5


How to include files in search results

How to include file attributes in the search index so that files will come up when people search your site.

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Guestbook Closed Comments

The concrete5 guestbook addon is a great addon and provides a lot of functionality. In this tutorial learn how to modify them with a very simple change that will allow you to specify a "comments closed date" like wordpress that will prohibit posting past

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Custom Attribute Types

A quick tutorial on setting up your own attribute types.


How to translate a Concrete5's package in your language

We'll see here how to create, use, and keep up to date the translation's file to have your packages GUI in your language. Usable from C5.4.1 only. Two methods are proposed, one by terminal, and another graphically.


Using Google Apps for Your Outgoing Mail

Walking through setting up Concrete5 to use Google Apps for sending e-mails.


Backup and Restore File Permissions In Linux

It is important to take a backup of your file permissions prior to changing them. We show you exactly how to do this.


How to round corners on user's avatars

How to put rounded corners on your user's avatars


Using Advanced Permissions

Check out the powerful capabilities offered by concrete5's Advanced Permissions model.


Set Permissions of Specific Areas and Blocks

Learn how to specifically control what page areas users can view and edit using Advanced Permissions and area blocks.


Use Special eCommerce User Attributes

Learn how to set up the eCommerce add-on to sell access to certain content or areas of your concrete5 website.

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Strategies for Creating Custom Site Themes from an Existing Design

What's the best way to approach adapting a site design for use in concrete5? Franz demonstrates the design flexibility offered by concrete5, then explains recommended strategies for chopping a page design.


Use Layouts to Position and Align Content

Layouts provide powerful, flexible features for precisely placing content on a concrete5 page. This screencast will show you some of the basic tips and techniques for using them.


Packaging up a Theme

Learn how to package up a theme for the concrete5 marketplace with the controller.php file.


Adding a Jquery Accordion Menu

Adding a JQuery Accordion menu to the auto-nav block


Adding the noindex meta tag

This shows how to add the meta robots noindex tag to pages that have the Exclude From Search Index attribute checked.


Create menu-placeholders in the auto-nav

Sometimes you just want to create a category heading in the main menu for your website and allow users to click on an item to open the menu without loading a page. We can achieve this by adding a single page attribute and just adding a line of code.


A Multi-Site Approach in Concrete5

An overview of an approach as to how you can re-use the Concrete5 core for multiple domains.


Disable the Dashboard Statistics graph (and stats collection)

If your concrete5 Dashboard is loading in a sluggish fashion, disabling the Flash-based Statistics graph can speed up the process.

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In-context Editing

How to put a page in edit mode and change your site


Arranging Content

A basic tutorial video about shifting content around on your pages and changing the way users navigate your site.

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Explain all these different logins I have!?!

Things can get confusing with all the logins you need to run a website. This explains what each account is for.


How to run certain Jobs via cron

This How-To shows how you can run only specific jobs instead of all of them.


Monitor Your Site's Traffic

A video introducing the ways concrete5 can monitor web traffic.


Build Out a Site From a Comp

Learn how to think about taking a site from a mock-up to concrete5. In this example, a flash games website is analyzed. This how-to assumes familiarity with the CMS.


Set Up eCommerce and Digital Downloads

Start selling downloadable assets in just ten minutes with eCommerce and the Digital Downloads add-on.


Add (or change) your site's Favicon

Need to add (or change) the little icon that shows up in the title bar when someone visits or bookmarks your site? Here's how!


File Manager: Tools and Features

Learn how to use the concrete5 File Manager to upload and manage assets. Edit file permissions and attributes, track versions, statistics and more.

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Using File Manager Sets

Harness the power of concrete5's File Sets to organize, select and search for files.


Restore a deleted system page (like Login, Members, etc)

Did you accidentally delete a system page from the Dashboard? Can't figure out how to get it back? This How-To will describe how you can easily re-create it.


concrete5 and GoDaddy Shared Hosting

Here's a few tips to get your concrete5 website up and running on a GoDaddy Shared Hosting Account.


How to Make an Easy Dropdown Menu

How to easily create a dropdown menu by adding a few lines of code to your css.


Create a Citation Block For Your Site

Learn how to create an automatic updating Citation Block for your site with MLA 7.


Customizing Superfish

A few simple modifications to disable arrows, drop shadows or adjust borders and opacity in the Superfish drop-down menu add-on


How do I remove the "Powered by concrete5" in my theme's footer?

Hide the c5 callout at the bottom of your pages.


Change Block View Behavior With Templates AKA: Make Anything Fancy

This how-to shows you how to modify the behavior of a block. As an example, the form block is extended to go inside a fancybox lightbox. The idea could be extrapolated to work with any block.


How Can I Edit Page Defaults?

To edit the default elements for a page type, you must log in as admin.


Mail on Yahoo Hosting

How to set up form emails and password forgotten emails on Yahoo hosting.


Stop Themes From Interfering with The edit bar

Sometimes when you are making a concrete5 theme the edit bar will become all messed up. Ill try to show you how you can fix several issues with the theme to make it work. This happens most often with converted themes.


Centralizing Templates/Blocks & Language files

Basic on how to centralize your blocks, language files, etc.


Running Multiple concrete5 Instances Using a Single Core on a Redhat enviroment

Instructions on setting up a single core instance on a RHEL enviroment


Hardcode a Block into a Page Type

Concrete5 user jgarcia shows how to hardcode a block into a theme.


Increase Upload Size

Are you getting errors trying to upload a large file? Find out how to get around this annoyance.


Setting Up and Maintaining a Centralized concrete5 Installation

Configure your server to host multiple concrete5 sites off of one shared concrete5 codebase.


Setup a subdomain based demo server

Setup a concrete5 demo server that creates concrete5 sites on the same server accessible by a subdomain


Reconnect To The Community

Get your site connected to the Marketplace again after changing your username.


Your site's URL

Redirect your visitors to always see the same URL using BASE_URL.

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Developers Introduction with Derek Allard

Andrew Embler (CTO of concrete5) takes Derek Allard (ExpressionEngine, CodeIgniter, MojoMotor) through the basics of what concrete5 can do and how it's put together.


Adding F4V Support to the Basic Video Player Block 2


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Five easy ways to speed a concrete5 Site

From my personal blog on concrete5, some simple tips to speed up a concrete5 site.


Adding a Facebook Like Box to your concrete5 Website

From Jeremy Werst: I tried just using the "Like" button from the concrete5 marketplace, but I didn't like the way it looked, and it also didn't seem to function properly. It didn't track likes properly, and there was no way for someone to like the page from facebook without visiting your site.


Migrating from Development to Live Server on Fedora: Step by Step

Originally posted by user witwag in our forums, this is a step-by-step guide detailing how to migrate a concrete5 site from dev to a new Fedora box. Includes installation of apache, Mysql and some basic security hardening.


Make Your Site Accessible to Administrators While in Maintenance Mode

Mnkras offers up some helpful startup code to allow Administrators to edit their site while its in maintenance mode.


Running Multiple concrete5 Instances Using a Single Core on a Plesk-Managed Web Host

corretje offers up detailed instructions on sharing a single concrete5 core code base with multiple concrete5 installations on a web server running the Plesk control panel.


Styling the Page List Block

User pvernaglia shows us how to style the built-in Page List block.


Custom Block Templates/Views

User ChadStrat shows how you can use concrete5's custom views to add interesting user information to the content block, all without forking the core concrete5 code.


Basic MVC in concrete5

concrete5's friendliness toward developers extends beyond blocks and add-ons. An easy-to-understand but very useful MVC syntax powers concrete5's single pages and page types, allowing for helpful separation between code and content.


Creating and Working with db.xml Files

Developer Lucas Anderson shows us how to work with concrete5's db.xml format, which are used in block and package database table creation.


Automatically Expire Pages from a Page List at a Certain Time

User pvernaglia shows us how to make articles in a page list disappear after a certain custom date. This date can differ from article to article.


New Cheat Sheet Documentation Launched

User pvernaglia gives us some useful snippets of concrete5 code, and we decided to include them on a new page in the site.


Custom Footer Menus using Auto-Nav

User pvernaglia offers up a tutorial on how to build a custom, automatically reused footer menu using the Auto-Nav and some custom coding.


Building Sites in Multiple Languages

User pvernaglia offers up a tutorial on how to build a site in multiple languages, and offer a language switcher widget.


Built-In Attribute Reference/Cheat Sheet

concrete5 uses a number of built-in page and file attributes for difference items. This is the full list, as of 5.4.1.


Another Primer on Areas and Page Types offers up an easy to understand tutorial on page types and areas.


Adding Sitemap and File Manager Quick Links to Edit Bar

Member jedspurg shows us how how to add two quick shortcuts to important areas of the dashboard to the concrete5 edit bar.


Integrate Google site search into concrete5

User melat0nin gives us the low-down on how to integrate Google Site Search into concrete5.

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File Block: Display File Type Icon next to the Download Link

User marcandre shows how to modify the built-in file block to display the icon of the type of file, as well as a link to download the file.


Screencast: How to Create a Client Area

10 minute screencast by dojodesign showing how to offer different content to different clients using concrete5's user profiles, advanced permissions and user groups.

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concrete5 Add-On Developers: Create Your Own concrete5 Demo ( and earlier)

This article provides guidelines and code to let concrete5 add-on developers or anyone setup a concrete5 demo, complete with a limited administrative user, auto-installed packages, and locked down permissions. The demo can easily be reset at any time.


JavaScript, jQuery and concrete5

An introduction to integrating a wide variety of rich JavaScript functionality into the front-end of your concrete5 applications and blocks.


Primer: Auto-Nav Block

Learn how to build navigations in concrete5, including what the Auto-Nav does and what its options mean. Then explore some practical examples, how you can control the way it displays and links pages, and how to theme and extend it.


How-To: Build a Single-Page Powered Editing Interface for concrete5 Pages

Learn how to build a simple FAQ system from scratch, including a single page interface for listing and sorting entries, a single page interface for editing entries, a page list template for displaying them.


Customize a Block's Appearance

You can use custom templates as multiple view layers for any block type, creating vastly different feels and behavior for the end site visitor.


Create an RSS feed from your site

I want people to be able to subscribe to a feed of my site, how?

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Building an iPhone-Optimized Version of a concrete5 Theme

Download an iPhone-optimized concrete5 theme, and learn how to automatically display it to mobile Safari on the iPhone and the iPod Touch.


I can't login!

Have you forgotten your password, or changed something, and now can't login? Here's how to fix it.


Get the Content Editor's Text and Background Colors to Match Your Theme

To get the content editor to show your theme's background and text images when you edit the block, make sure these styles are defined in typography.css.


Extend the Rich-Text Editor

Add to the list of tags allowed by the TinyMCE content block editor


Make a new Custom Attribute Type

Do you want to attach an attribute to a user, page, file or something else, but our attribute types won't quite cut it? In this how-to you will learn to create your own custom attribute type.


Share Content Across Multiple Pages

Place the same content block on multiple pages by learning how to edit Default page types.


How do I add Google Analytics tracking code to my site?

Easily add code to your site to enable Google Analytics tracking.


Why do I need view.php in my theme?

Helps explain the importance of view.php.


How do I add a bookmark icon (aka favicon) to my site?

Set your site to display a unique icon when users bookmark your site.


Edit or remove your site name

Where can I change the default name for my site?


Troubleshoot Mail Problems

Not receiving mail from your site? Here are a few things you should look into.


Clean up copy pasted from MS Word

Having trouble pasting stuff you've copied from Word? Check out these tips.


Disable the Dashboard Statistics Graph

Is the Statistics graph bogging down your dashboard? Find out how to disable it.


How do I exclude a specific page from sitemap.xml? How do I set priority?

sitemap.xml is used by search engines to find content on your site, here's how to manage what's in it.

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Restore the "Generate Sitemap" Job

If you've accidentally removed your "generate sitemap" job, restore it by running a MySQL query.


Converting a site into a theme

A brief how-to on turning an existing site design into a Theme in concrete5.


Combining Views, Controllers, Events and Models to Create a Example Shopping Cart

A shopping cart example combining a model, a view and a controller.

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Get Pretty URLs working on Dreamhost

Make your URLs friendlier on a Dreamhost-hosted site


Change Allowed File Upload Types

Got your own weird extensions you need to let people upload? We're limiting that for security reasons, but here's where you can change it.


"concrete-ize" a basic HTML theme in 8 minutes

Learn how to translate a simple HTML theme found on the web into a C5 theme, in under 8 minutes.


Creating a New Block Type

Download a tutorial block type and customize it as a starting point toward building your own blocks.